2 year update, No we didn't go on a mission ;)
Posted by The Olsons | Posted in
It's come to my attention that I haven't updated our blog since I was about to get Kasey's last name.... um, was that in 2008? Sigh, I've been bad, I know I know. Here is my chance to repent:
So much has changed since then. We were newly weds and thought we were better than other couples because we'd been together over a year and were still in the paradise/honeymoon phase...... yeah, that changed. Haha, it's oddly comforting when you talk to your spouse and you can mutually agree that time has flown by despite the hard times.
We'll look at each other and say, "Wow, have we really known each other for 4 years now and been married for 3? Sometimes it feels like 10 years", and then we'll both start laughing cuz we know exactly what the other is thinking. Marriage kicks ass, but it's not always easy. Why is it that it takes someone you love a ton to make you face your faults that you never wanted to face? Are people really that resistant to change? Do we really have to go through all the pain and hatred of the other before we can humble ourselves and realize that maybe..... well, just MAYBE, we're the one at fault?
Needless to say, we've had our ups and down. But, I think we'd both agree that we've had plenty more ups then downs.
So, for all you cousins, aunts, uncles, former roommates, new friends, or people who are just nosy and want to know what we're up to... here's been the low down on the lives of David and Kasey since my last post:
Kasey got a new job as a general ledger accountant at a credit union in salt lake. He loves it there and continually gets raises. What a guy huh, so smart and reliable.
David, well, how long do you got? He got a new job as a technician for a company in Lindon, then after seeing some drama and office politics he decided to look else where. So after about 8 months he moved to a software company in American fork. You'd think he'd be happy with a raise for the same work right? NOPE! Another 8 months and you hear talk of moving to India support and office politics yet again.
So he figured, why not find a new job that pays more and would also jump start his career? Enter Goldman Sachs.....*cough* *cough* so um if you've been keeping up with the news AT ALL then you probably know by know that Goldman Sach is synonymous with Office Politics, Bail Out, and lots of bonuses for helping to crash the economy. Needless to say he's not working there anymore.
Finally, he's found a nice help desk job with US Forest Service that doesn't have office politics, very little drama, benefits, the ability to work from home and he's actually stayed there for over a year now.... who knew such a job existed?
David finally finished his Associates only to realize that it doesn't mean anything and that he isn't going anywhere fast trying to teach himself how to program in java by reaching books. He's now back in school with plans to finish a degree in software engineering. It's about time he found his calling in life. You should see him light up when he starts talking in nerd, it's scary. Kasey showed David some visual basic code that he has to use for his job and David got so turned on! Sigh, nerds.
Kasey is back in school to finish his Masters. He starts his program this August and is crazy excited about his classes and the big raise that he'll probably get when he's done. He took an accounting class last semester to get ready and he got an A. Way to go KASEY!
He's most excited about finishing school though because he's already found what he wants for his graduation present. Yes, and it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who knows Kasey, it's the 2012 Toyota Camry XLE. He still hasn't decided whether he wants leather or fabric or even the color, but at least he's narrowed it down to a certain model. Let's hope he doesn't change his mind.... again. =)
That's about it nothing more then just school and work for us. We do see some family and friends here and there, but mostly we are still just a boring couple who will probably waste away our years watching HGTV and StarTrek Voyager on the couch snuggled up in our blanket.
Did not know you had a blog. LOVE IT!!
Awesome post. I love what you said about marriage, and making the relationship work. You rock David.
Good to catch up on what you two are up to!! We've got to get together again- you need to meet our little Margaret! Hope you know that we love you!
I didn't know you had a blog! Nice to hear your life summarized, I thought i'd kept in touch, but some of this was still new to me. We need to get together soon!